Your dipping performance at work could be because you have a gluten allergy. With tips from our expert, approach life anew and become a champion like Novak Djokovic
Conquering this year's Wimbledon and winning 43 matches on a trot at the start of his spectacular season has got Tennis' World number one Novak Djokovic's gluten-free diet much attention in sports journals. While Novak's improved shot-making is certainly a result of his hard work, his renewed agility, energy and stamina on court, as admitted by him and his coach, has to do with a strict no-gluten diet that he switched to after learning of his gluten intolerance last year.
Spot the allergy
Macrobiotic Food Counselor Shonali Sabherwal says in Mumbai, the ignorance level of gluten intolerance is almost 80 per cent. "Most people who suffer from it won't even know about it," she points out. For those whose bodies can't ingest gluten, an elastic protein found in grains such as wheat and barley, the symptoms are usually quite apparent. "Thanks to our rotis, we Indians are primarily wheat eaters. If you are gluten intolerant, you will feel bloated, experience heart burns, stomach ache or have some bad reaction that makes you feel uncomfortable. Usually, people blame it on the curry, weather or something else but it could only be because they cannot digest gluten," Sabherwal says.
Once you accept the possibility of your body rebelling against gluten, it isn't tough to self-diagnose the problem. A blood test may throw abnormal levels of certain auto-antibodies or in a severe case, an intestinal biopsy will help check for damaged villi (little outgrowths that line the small intestine and help absorb nutrients through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream). Sabherwal explains, "One can develop this intolerance over time. It can cause flatulence, abdomen distention, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, bone or joint pain, depression, anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Many suffer from the side effects for years before being diagnosed. Doctors treat these problems symptomatically. We dieticians believe we are what we eat and hence switching to the right food is the solution."
It can get bad
Things can get even worse with Celiac disease, an extreme case of gluten intolerance where even tiny amounts drive the immune system to destroy villi. This, in turn, causes chronic malnutrition as the body cannot absorb the nutrients from food and hence a gluten-free diet remains the only cure. "For those whose systems can't stand gluten, the intestinal lining over time becomes weak and absorption of nutrients becomes difficult. Due to inflammation, the stomach gets sensitive and aggravates indigestion. As their bodies also stop absorbing vitamins, the blood's pH balance gets thrown off and it becomes acidic, heavy and sludgy, creating a suitable environment for bad bacteria to dwell and cause further complications," says Sabherwal.
Food fighters
Finding the right alternative foods is key (see box). "The first thing I do with clients who come with indigestion or such problems, is to take them off dairy and gluten food. Also, if I find a lot of gluten figuring in their regular eating pattern, I put them off it and usually their problems are solved," Sabherwal says. Citing an instance of a middle-aged woman with chronic constipation that she treated, she adds, "After I put her off gluten and dairy products, I put her on complex carbohydrates through the whole grains to substitute the absence of chapatis. In fact, switching to brown rice is the wisest choice in such cases as its good fibre heals the intestinal lining. Few people know that Rajgira's (Amaranth) protein content is higher than that of meat and its calcium more than milk's. So the solution is in finding the correct replacement foods."
On your visits to the supermarket, avoiding packaged food that has processed carbohydrates and gluten will help. Sabherwal says, "Your body tends to crave for the wrong food. The craving and hunger makes you want to eat more. Gliadins (a glycoprotein that is a part of gluten) can cause mental depression and in some cases, it can even lead to schizophrenia and irreversible Fibromyalgia (long term joint and muscle pain)."
Nutritionist Naini Setalvad too finds that one in every three patients she consults has gluten allergy. "Gluten intolerance causes not only digestive problems, but also severe arthritis, bronchitis and asthma. When I eliminate gluten from their diets, their joint pain dissipates. Indians have multiple choices for replacing gluten-free foods from their diet and it is time they exercise it."